Who We Are

Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values


Whether you’ve been attending church regularly, or if this is your first time exploring church life, First Alliance welcomes you! We look forward to meeting you, encouraging you, and creating a special place for you and your family in our congregation. 

Our Mission

We Love. We Serve. We Send.

First Alliance Orlando is a community of people who have experienced the life-changing love of Christ. Our mission is to LOVE God and our neighbor, to SERVE our community, and to SEND out God’s people into the world to proclaim and live out the good news of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Our vision is to see individuals and families transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ into a vibrant community of disciples that impacts Orlando and the world.

Our Core Values

What we believe determines what we value and what we value determines how we live. First Alliance Church has developed 8 Core Values that flow out of our passion for Jesus Christ. These Core Values are the motivation behind the mission.

Love God

Our greatest calling is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. All that we are and all that we have belong to Him. We express our love for God through worship, prayer, and service to Him and humanity.

Deuteronomy 6:5, Joshua 22:5, Luke 10:27

Love All People

Everyone matters to us, because everyone matters to God. Jesus came into the world so that every man, woman, and child would find hope and life in Him. As God’s people on Earth, we are an extension of that hope, sharing God’s love in the most creative ways possible. Jesus loved the world and so will we.

Mark 12:31, John 3:16, 1 John 4:11-12,19-21

Make Disciples of Jesus

When Jesus sent out His first disciples, He called them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of Jesus. We believe this is the call of every Jesus follower. In response to this call, we are learning how to be and make disciples who love God, who love each other, who love the world and who love the least.

Matthew 5:14-16, Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 8:34-35, John 10:27

Grow In Community

We are all part of Christ’s Church and members of the same family. God calls us to have deep, authentic relationships with one another. We encourage, we serve, we forgive, we share, we honor, we bless and we show mercy to each other. We want to be a healthy community of Christ-followers that grows together in discovering who God has created us to be and how He wants us to serve Him and our community.

Acts 2:42,46, Romans 12:4-8, Colossians 3:12-17, Hebrews 10:24-25

Listen To God's Word

We believe that God continues to speak to us through His Word. Engaging in Scripture transforms and shapes every area of our lives. It is through His Word that we train and equip every follower of Jesus to carry out God’s mission of redeeming the world.

Psalm 119:33-40, Romans 12:2, Psalm 25:-4-5, 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Lead By The Holy Spirit

We are convinced it is only by the indwelling and empowerment of the Holy Spirit that we can fully express Jesus’ love, compassion, and mercy to the world. The Holy Spirit connects us to the will of God and moves us to accomplish what we cannot see or do on our own. This happens as we surrender our lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ and cultivate His presence through spiritual disciplines.

1 Corinthians 2:4-5, Acts 1:8, John 15:5-8, Romans 5:5

Live By Faith

Faith is a gift God has given to us to believe and follow Him. Achieving His purposes means taking faith-filled risks. This devotion always involves change.

Romans 1:16-17, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Ephesians 2:8-9, 3:16-19, Hebrews 11:6

Give Generously

In the same way that God has been generous towards us, He calls us to live generous lives toward one another. Generosity is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others.

Deuteronomy 15:7-8, Psalm 41:1-3, 2 Corinthians 8:5, Acts 2:44-47